Tahlia is still doing well. From what I can get a look at, everything seems to be healing nicely. We have post-surgery appointment on Tuesday Feb 15, so we'll find out for sure then. And hopefully they'll tell us, no more restraints (PLEASE!!!), back to 'real' food, and 'everything looks good, we'll see you in a month'. Keep your fingers crossed! I've had to trim the steri-strips on one side as they lifted and were flapping around. Her nose stints are getting looser but I think they'll probably hang in there until her appointment. They are causing her to breath loudly and mouth-breath more which causes more drooling. The syringe feeding is still going well. In fact, I'm a little concerned she's not going to want to feed herself! The restaints are a pain. Tahlia will whimper/cry when they have to go on, even though she still holds her . Her sleep is very restless as I think she just can't get comfortable. During the day, we've (I've) been keeping them off quite a bit. She's not interested in touching her face, it's putting toys in her mouth I need to watch. But if I tell her no, she's just move it away and continue playing. I have to spend more time on the ground playing with her instead of doing dishes, laundry, etc but she's much happier, which makes mommy much happier!!
So what does Tahlia do all day?? She loves to hug the cats, play with her little people housing/farm complex, sing, play on the sofa, and most impressive of all......she decided she can walk by herself today!!! Walked down the hall, from the LR to the kitchen, to the front door. I think this should continue into tomorrow, but we'll see. We also went to our first highschool basketball game today. My niece Elizabeth is playing in a tournament and we got to see her team win! Tahlia was very good and enjoyed clapping and hearing us encourage the girls on.
Singing while playing on the couch |
Getting ready for bed! |
Loving my kitty Bob! |