Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 1 is over for Dad

It is about 8:30pm and I just got back to the Dugald farm. Christine is spending the night with Tahlia and I am spending it with 2 of our dogs.

Tahlia really did do very well. On day one not only did she take out her IV, but removed her restrains 4 times, and managed to master the syringe feeding. For dinner she had a bowl of cream of broccoli soup, a jar of beef baby food, and some ice cream; all by syringe. She actually seemed to just enjoy leaning back and having Mom push it in.

Well, I am ready for bed and I hope the 2 girls get a good night sleep. If all goes well Tahlia will be released tomorrow.

In our room and resting comfortably

Tahlia was in recovery for about an hour before we got to see her.  She was carried into the recovery room from surgery as she woke up quite quickly.  And then she was able to get her IV out, hence the delay in us seeing her (they had to put a new one in and had trouble).  Anyways, as we walked in the nurse was snuggling her and she looked up when she heard our voices.  She came right to me and cuddled on my shoulder.  We only stayed in recovery for about 10-15 mins before we took her up to our room.  So far we don't have a roommate which is great.  They nursing staff has been fantastic and are very flexible so that it's as easy on Tahlia as possible.  She just got another dose of Tylenol at 2:30 and we tried our first feeding.  Tahlia was very cooperative and ended up taking about 120cc of apple juice/water by syringe in a very short amount of time.  The nurse was very impressed that she did so well on the first try....but that's my girl ~ smart little cookie!!  She's been sleeping off and on most of the afternoon.  We've seen bits of her personality poking through already - interested in the Coke can, pulling her blocks apart, and of course loving her crib music aquarium!  I'm so glad we brought it.
I'm already noticing quite a difference in how Tahlia looks.  There is some swelling and bruising but I'm really amazed at the difference.  I've included some pictures, but if you're squeamish don't look at them.

She's out of surgery.....

Dr.Ross said Tahlia's surgery went very well.  He took a picture of her so that we wouldn't be surprised when we get to see her (which should be soon hopefully!).  He had to remove her one front tooth and she has stints in both nostrils.  More to come later...

And she's off......

Tahlia's nurse took her off to surgery at 8:15am - no tears or screams - just curious about what was going on.  Dr.Ross talked to us before hand and will come and talk to us once surgery is done.  We're just hanging out in the cafeteria reading the magazine Lisa and Kris got me (thanks!!) and I know the treats you gave us will come in handy later!!!  We're both pretty tired already - not much sleeping last night - I think we were both concerned about sleeping in. 

Here's a couple pictures from this morning.....

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Thank you....

Just wanted to thank everyone who has called or emailed to wish us well tomorrow.  Miss Tahlia is fast asleep and I'm about to go and take her bottle away (insert mom with tears running down her face).  Poor little thing has no idea what is about to happen.  I think its probably better that way.....

Anyways, thanks so much for all the well wishes and prayers.  Will post tomorrow!!


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Countdown to Surgery

Tahlia's surgery is scheduled for Monday, January 31 at 7:45am.  We (Todd and I) are starting to get nervous.  I think we've been pretty good, but it's starting to sink in.  Anyways, as long as everything runs on time, she should be done and out of recovery early in the afternoon.  Tahlia and I will spend the night at the hospital and (hopefully) be discharged early afternoon on Tuesday.  We haven't decided for sure if we're going to spend Tuesday night in Winnipeg or come back to Brandon.  We'll play it by ear.  For the next couple of weeks, Tahlia will need to wear arm restraints 24hrs/day so as not to touch her mouth.  The nurse explained that the lip will be like tissue paper and so tugging or jabbing would be a bad thing!  She'll only be able to eat/drink liquid or pudding like foods - hello blender!!  And that it can only be served by cup (not a sippy cup) or by syringe.  There is to be no forks or spoons and solid food.......this is going to be interesting.......hard to understand how we're going to do this, but we aren't the first family to do this and we won't be the last!!

Tahlia is doing great!  She's a total joy and we're so in love with her.  She's gained 2 lbs, loves all foods, and is getting taller!  Loves music - LOVES MUSIC!!  She's started singing to herself while playing in the last few days - I don't know what she's singing but it's so cute.  She's close to walking, and is starting to communicate more with us.  She's got a few words - Kiki (kitty - shocking, I know), hi, that (as in take me to THAT, i want THAT, what's THAT), and lots of babbling - she's had some fairly lengthy conversations with herself!!  She's loving the cats and dogs - sometimes a little too much for their liking, but for the most part she's fairly gentle with them.  She's doing well with other people.  She doesn't have problems being in crowds as long as Todd or I are holding her.  And she's been great with grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins - she seems to remember them and really, they show her tons of cool stuff that mom and dad don't/won't!!

We'll try to update the afternoon/evening of surgery!