Sunday, October 24, 2010

2 weeks from now.....

2 weeks from now we'll be preparing to board a plane to Guangzhou, Guangdong, China from Beijing.  This is the city where we will meet and receive our daughter Tahlia.  This journey has been long and not without some heartache but our dream of becoming parents is so close and we couldn't be happier.  I feel like the past 18 years (Happy Anniversary Todd!) of determination and perseverance have prepared us for this new adventure!  We will receive our exact itinerary later this week but the general plan is that we'll spend 5-6 days in Guangzhou and then 6-7 days in Beijing. My hope is that we'll be able to keep you, our family and friends, updated as we travel through China on this blog.  Keep your fingers crossed!!

 I have 1 week of work left and will spend my 'free' week doing last minute errands, packing and re-packing, and hopefully getting our mobile home cleaned and ready to move into.  It was moved to our Brandon property on Friday and will finish being unloaded on Monday.  Todd is busy with work and is trying to get things ready for his 2 week absence.  He's also trying to ensure we'll have water and electricity at the new place!!  Never a dull moment with us!

Stay tuned for more updates.....

1 comment:

  1. Oh Christine, it was so great to see you this morning! My excitement and anticipation is just as strong for you as it was for me!!! One thing I forgot to mention was to take more wipes than you think you'll need! You'll use them everywhere!!! And perhaps a jar or two of baby prunes! That is one thing I wish we'd had! I can't wait to hear more and watch you on your journey! My thoughts and prayers will be with you guys. We hope that your trip goes as smoothly and beautifully as ours did!
