Thursday, February 3, 2011

Post Surgery - Day 3

Where's my lunch?!?!
Miss T is still doing great.  Eating and playing like usual....except her arms are stuck straight out!  We took a walk outside today as we're finally getting some nicer weather.  And Grandma (my mom) came for a visit.
We continue to be amazed at how well she's doing.  She'll hold her arms out for us to replace the restraints, happily plays and crawls around, and is pretty good about taking her medications.  She's wanting to be babied a little more than usual, but we're more than happy to snuggle and cuddle and reassure her that we'll help her.  She's such a little treasure!!


  1. she is a little treasure. Make that a bit treasure. We can't believe how well she adjusts to changing circumstances. Well done guys.

  2. She is so adorable and such a little trooper! It will be so nice to see how this all turns out after the bandages come off.
    And I love all these new pics that actually show her with more hair than Todd!
